Saturday, January 06, 2007

The ThReE WiSe KiNgS

Today we celebrate “The ThreeWise Kings Day”. I’ve loved this day all my life.
When I was a child I used to write long letters with the list of presents I would like to have, somehow they managed to bring me good things, not all the items on the list of course, but I was always happy. I realize now my parents sort of guided me when writing the letter “to help me with the ideas” like I do now with my little son and I did with Sebastian when he was younger…..imagine!! “Dear Wise Kings…I’ve been a good child, Could you please bring me a car, a pony, a Gas Station, skates, etc, etc etc….!!!” Impossible with low salaries like my parents had and not viable now for me being a teacher, so some guide is needed, isn’t it?

__Oh dear, wouldn’t you like to have a Bike instead of a pony? You see, ponies eat too much and we don’t have enough room…will it sleep in your bedroom?
__ Yes mom, you’re right, I’ll ask for a bike (I had the bike already bought and wrapped of course).

I used to live in a small town and all my relatives lived no more than 10 blocks away, so after opening the gifts at home I would visit all the other houses where I had left a shoe to let the Kings know there was a child in the family…my grandparents, my aunts, Godparents, you know. On my way to those houses I could see all the kids on the street, with many toys and wide smiles going from place to place. What a fantastic day!

Now that I’m a “kind of childish grown-up” I still love this day because I’ve become the “Wise Kings!” and I love to keep the magic for my sons. Yesterday night, we went out with Manuel to pick up some grass for the camels and then we put a bucket of water next to the Xmas tree, you see, camels are very tired from the long trip and they need to eat and drink something in every house to keep on travelling.
I waited for hours until my son finally fell asleep to throw the water and the grass and then put the presents over the shoes. I was so exited!! I left some grass scattered on the floor from the tree to the door, because camels are not very neat when they eat, are they?

It was hard to sleep on Wise Kings Eve when I was a child, and I would wake up very early in the morning and run to the tree to see what they had brought to me…now, WHY IS MY SON STILL SLEEPING!!!! It’s 10 o’clock already and I’m holding my camera to snap the moment he sees the presents…but he is SLEEPING! I have faked a hard coughing, I have dropped some knives, opened the windows to wake him up….and I’m about to start singing out loud….YES I know what you are thinking and YES I’m a child, but you know me, I can’t help it….
Well, I have to go; there is some extra noise I have to make LOL.
I’ll come back later with some pictures. Love you all

By the way, have I told you one of the presents is a boat and I really want to go to the lake right now?? MANUUUUUUUUU WAKE UPPPPPPPPPPPPP

3 thought(s):

Fabrizio said...

Ciao! Thanks for coming. I likeyour blog and the velvet background is an elegant touch!

RUTH said...

This is wonderful; you do all the wonderful things to greet the three kings as we do to greet Santa with our snowy footprints and carrots for the reindeer. I have read your post to Lynn and we both are feeling that warm glow of happiness for you and the boys that we felt for ourselves and the little ones on Christmas Day. I remember when grandson number 1 was little we had to wait until 11am for him to wake! we too made as much noise as possible; we like you were as excited as children ourselves.
We are with you on the lake in our hearts and minds

Audrey said...


Oh yes!!! Wake up manuel...

Analia I got quite carried away with the magic of the Wise Kings Eve, these are times that create memories that last a life time..

I remember coaxing excited little faces into bed early, waiting for their peaceful sleep.....then to spend hours willing them to wake

Wonderful day...Enjoy!

x for the children oh so exciting!!