Monday, January 08, 2007

aLmOsT CuRsEd.....aLmOsT?

I was doing some errands in the morning with Manuel when suddenly, out of nowhere, a gypsy woman approached me. She wanted to show me some sheets and pots she was selling. I said, “Thank you, but I don’t need anything right now” and I continued walking. She grabbed my hand as I was leaving and insisted on reading it. I said, “Sorry, but I don’t want my future read, I prefer not to know” and I smiled gently…. but she wouldn’t let me go. “Give me some money and I tell you everything you need to know” she persisted. I started getting angry but I replied politely “No lady, I’m in a hurry and I have to go”
The gypsy released my hand and I started going away when I heard the woman saying “I’m gonna curse you”….WHYYYYYYYY??? Just because I said no?
I turned and I looked at her angrily…YOU ARE DOING WHAT? HOW DARE YOU!
Not far away was the gypsy queen together with some other women and she came closer as she heard our shouting.
They started talking in their language and making all kind of gestures…..I thought to myself “I’M SCREWED!!” but anyway I said “Hold your horses!! This is not fair, speak Spanish right now!” They stopped talking and the oldest woman asked me to explain my side of the story…..I was doing it when someone else came to us. Hey! She said “how are you doing? Remember me?”
I met this young girl on a bus some months ago while I was still living in Montevideo and we started talking all the way to my job, for an hour or so. That day she told me people never talk to them, some because of fear, others because of the way they dress and live, and the rest just because of the unknown. She was about getting married those days and I found very interesting everything about the ceremony. It was an enriching conversation for me……and now I know it was also good for her.
The oldest gypsy ordered the first woman to lift any kind of curse she could have cast on me, but she said she had cast no spell and smiled. I didn’t smile back to her but I did thank and say goodbye to the other gypsies.
Manuel? Well he was complaining about his sore hand…why?... all the time I was holding him so tight!!! POOR THING :(

When the sun goes a little down I will go to the lake with the boat….if I don’t come back you will know the reason. THE GYPSY CURSE!! LOL
Oh My! I was truly scared…I think I still am.
Love and Kisses to all

7 thought(s):

RUTH said...

I will send their curses back upon their heads; Mick would not be happy to lose all those Uruguayian kisses you send him. Mick's mother used to be very wary of upsetting gypsies and one day she went to get them some money when they knocked at her door; when she turned her back they STOLE Mick's fathers shoes that were near the front door. She never gave to gypsies again and continued to live a long and happy life.
Hugs and xxxx's

Stephen A. Bess said...

No worries. You are protected. :)It was an interesting little story though.

Audrey said...

Analia what an upsetting are right how dare she!!!!!!!!You should have told her about the smile factory, a visit there would have done her the world of good more so than the money she was asking you for........I stick my tongue out at her curse so there!!!!!!and having gypsy blood myself going back some generations I send you a gypsy BLESSING X May the great mother earth provide you always with an abundance of good to feed your spirit and soul...

Enjoy the lake, the water, the breeze, have fun

x Auds

Icarus said...

Me haces falta...
No me gusta nada de tu historia. La misma cosa me aconteció una vez en Londres, tenia la misma reacçión que tu. Enojado.
Vivo en una ciudad pequeña con muchas familias gitanas, pero nunca emiten maldiciónes en publico. No obstante hay mucha gente supersticiosa aca. Yo no, y no necesito de mas nada que pueda complicar la situación, claro!

Y ja te dice que me haces falta, caramela? ((-: XXXXXX

Audrey said...


Just popped back to say goodnight and to tell you your story reminds me of a situation I experienced when travelling back from Italy, had just pulled into a motorway cafe when a group of gypsies arrived out of nowhere, I like you got angry, because these people pedal fear on innocent bystanders through stupid supersition......apparently these were there to pick the pockets of hungry,tired travellers whilst offering to tell their fortunes.... The truth is they have no more power to curse or bless than you or I my sweet angel

Big hug for ((((((((((you and Manuel))))))) and lots of smiles too x

Analía said...

Mile!!! y tu me haces falta a mi amiguito...te quiero!!!! muaaaaaaaaks

RUTH said...

Hi Analia, tried to get into your blog earlier to make sure you got back from the lake ok; but my internet was not working and only just managed to get back on it. Re; your message on my blog I am sorry you are not feeling well; sending you lots of medicinal kisses and cuddles