Wednesday, January 10, 2007

An UnExPeCtEd StOpOvEr

“The world it’s just a place where our soul rests before begining a new flight”

“At night, in our dreams, our soul takes a breath, escapes from its jail and travels far away and its free like a bird and beautiful like the stars reflected in the mirror of the sea”

A wandering muse might have entered through the wrong window for I have grabbed my pen and written some lines I haven’t thought of.
There must be a poet somewhere, waiting for her while scrawling words on a white piece of paper, however she is here playing with my mind and smiling at me.

Whose muse is this, whose lines am I stealing?

I don’t know why she decided to come in nor when she is planing to leave…Is she running away? Is she planing to stay?
I’m not a writer and I’m far from being a poet, yet she dances between my lines as I write words that I no longer know if they are mine.

Should I tell her to go away?
I’ll leave my windows open tonight in case she wants to find her way home…..who knows? She might remember her poet and fly to his arms.

Love you all, Analia

3 thought(s):

RUTH said...

A beautiful picture and beautiful words. I think that deep inside there is a poetess trying to show herself to the world. I hope you are feeling better now. I have had a wonderful'll find out why later when I have written my post

Audrey said...


I do hope your feeling better since reading you didnt feel to good and that if your still not feeling 100% that your being good to yourself...

Your post this morning is a beautiful expression of who you are.......I think there may be an angelic poetess who has definitely taken up residence in your soul.......and I should imagine she has already found the home that makes her feel whole and alive....Where she comes from???? Who knows??? She is here thats all that matters........ and I for one looking forward to hearing her song again..........

Robyne said...

What a gentle posting...a joy to read.
Maybe the "little poet" within you is starting to stir and the bubbles of genius are floating up to your pen....I await the future to read more beautiful postings from this little arrival.