Sunday, January 14, 2007

My BeD.....Mi CaMa

No hay un lugar como mi cama…..y no hay quien me conozca tan profundamente.
Guarda mis secretos y mis recuerdos, mis esperanzas y mis desilusiones.
Ve mi verdad y esconde mis mentiras y mis miedos.
Mi cama sabe de mi corazón roto y mis sueños perdidos, y sabe cuando lloro y porque lloro abrazada a la almohada, y me ve acurrucarme de dolor….pero guarda silencio….un silencio ensordecedor….una quietud que hiere.

There’s no place like my bed….and there’s no one who knows me so deeply.
It keeps my secrets and my memories, my hopes and disappointments.
It sees my truth and hides my lies and my fears.
My bed knows of my broken heart and my lost dreams, it knows when I cry and why I cry hugged to my pillow, and it sees me snuggling down in pain…but remains in complete silence…a deafening silence….a stillness that hurts.

To My BeD (Roque Narvaja)

I make and undo my bed
I shake off pieces of my dreams in flames
Betraying shadows of love hide their face.
A white sheet falls like the snow falls on the mountains
And I fall into your soft hands.

Square Babel Tower
Like Penelope knits anguished
And unknits frightened my nudity.

My beds knows everything I am and I can be
And she doesn’t desert me, she doesn’t desert me.
My bed bleeds every wound that scares me
And at night she rocks me and sings.

I open a chiffon door, I give in my body, she hugs me
And I put away my fists under the pillow until tomorrow.
Is my necessary mother, imitation of peat, watchdog
While she whispers her lullaby sharpens her paws.

My beds knows everything I am and I can be
And she doesn’t desert me, she doesn’t desert me.
My bed bleeds every wound that scares me
And at night she rocks me and sings.

I make and strip my bed
I separate the grain from the weed
And through a path of nothing I go back home.


9 thought(s):

RUTH said...

Oh Analia that is so moving. I want to send you a big cuddly teddy bear for you to snuggle up with......
Cuddles and X'x

Shaketownman said...

Glad to know you, Analia!
See yah.

Tea said...

How true this is!


Icarus said...

Helllllllllllllllllo Ani!! This is the first time I could get into anyody's blog for 6 days and what do I find? Tea & bed???!! (Tea got here just before me above). I honestly don't know what more to say, other than clearly, I'm out of touch. A bed is vitally important, for sure. Somewhere to park it is equally so...:-)))
So, I send you kisses and hope that you can find more positive uses for la cama than tears & pain. That just can't be right, but I think I'd better get back into silence (still waiting for pc..)while there is still some dignity here!M-Nah M-NAH!!! SXXXXX

Audrey said...


This is very moving, may the dreams that come softly whisper and tell of great joys to come,gently breaking the silence and see you smiling in your sleep, turn, wrap yourself in the warmth of golden slumbers where the shadows of love hide their faces, and wait for the light to make them known and recognised.. Then waking... there they are..... so many faces who come to say good day to you Analia..We love you x

RUTH said...

I'll whisper this in case Analia is sleeping; what you wrote is beautiful Auds, Sleep tight

RUTH said...

Are you OK. Did you get my email.
Love and hugs

Audrey said...


Just popping in past with a big cyber hug for you this morning (((((((((((analia))))))))))))

I wrap a big fluffy blanket round your shoulder,on it are all the names of those who love you, those whos hearts you warm and touch so gently, may it return you warmth and comfort today...........come wrap yourself in its softness and snuggle in.

Love you x Auds

RUTH said...

Come back Analia.....I need my dancing partner!!!!