Friday, January 26, 2007


Some days ago I was doing my blog surfing and I came across a very disgusting surprise…the worst thing was to finally prove I wasn’t so wrong after all.
I’ve visited many blogs where parents upload pictures of their kids; I don’t see that as a problem, actually I have left messages to the proud parents in some occasions telling them how cute their baby is. In fact, I have posted pictures of my children, too.
However, when I see a picture of a kid naked or half naked I can’t help thinking that someone may be looking at those pictures with sick eyes.
I remember once I uploaded a photo of Manuel, he was in bed smiling and the sun coming through the window was playing with his blond hair, it was beautiful picture of my little angel. But then an upsetting thought made me shiver…. what if … and I took the picture away.
To be honest, I ended up considering I was wrong, that I shouldn’t think that way, that maybe I was the sick person who saw danger everywhere…but still, there was something in the whole situation that kept hammering my mind.
You may be asking what I am talking about…well, let me explain it.
I came across a pedophile blogger, yes, a man who not only openly admitted his condition, but also has pictures he had collected through the net. Pictures of innocent kids posted by innocent parents who were proud of showing the world their most beloved treasures.
This man, if the word man applies to him, claims he is not committing any crime and dares to condemn people for not understanding him and for making him live under a relentless persecution.
I was so irritated that I preferred to stop reading all that shit (pardon my French).
Sadly, it won’t disappear just because I closed the page.
I did some Google search and I found out there are many blogs with the same topic, which gives me the idea that criminals who use blogs for their illegal apology of crime have found the perfect place for their misdeeds. It seems that the blog world is a no one’s land; hence, it has no legal system at all.
As a mother, I have the need of giving other parents a little and humble piece of advice: Please, watch out what pictures you post! There are indeed evil people out there who will profit with your innocence. Also watch out what your older kids post, sometimes they risk too many things in a single post.

That was my disgusting discovery, and believe me, I wish I had been wrong….I still wish it were a bad dream.

I’ll post something positive next time….promise.
Love and xxxxxxxxxxx

3 thought(s):

Audrey said...


Your post is important, thankyou for having the heart to write it and warn others. The knowledge that these people surf bloggs and steal images of innocent children is distressing and so it should be, its happening,its a truth and its not going to go away if we avert our eyes and turn our backs is thank you for the warning and reminder to be careful.

That they can see no wrong in their behaviour is neither explanation nor excuse for their depravity and your post goes some way to bringing this to light. Many innocents will be grateful to you

x Auds

RUTH said...

I agree with Auds. But if you find a blog on blogger such as the one you have described I think you can flag it as having objectionable content...see the little flag right at the top on the navigation bar. These people must be is people like this who have forced schools here to stop allowing parents to video their children's nativity plays etc. It has stopped children sitting on Santa's lap. It has stopped Manda at the school where she works being able to take a child's earrings out! Such is the worry that it has caused.
I know this will prey on your mind but try to sleep peacefully and dream of rainbows

Icarus said...

Ani, hi. This post reminds me of a global argument that I unintentionally & unexpectedly started on my blog last summer. An incredible, but useful discussion that shook me. It started because in posting about one subject, I described how I took photos of a little boy, then hih and his grandparents (& me included too). I finished by saying something about the atmosphere around kids in this country, compared with the fear and paranoia in England [Thursday July 27th; "Camera as Bridge"]. Some of the Portuguese friends revealed their own paranoias & fears of publishing pics of their kids and the discussion evolved into the rights & wrongs of taking pictures of 'strangers'in the streets, which I of course love to do. All in all, a lot of learning. Once again, this www is a place beyond morality, right & wrong, there are as many - if not more - sick & bad people out there as good. It is always right to do everything to protect the weakest & most vulnerable. The fact that it is such an ideal medium for paedophiles, etc, is frightening and sickening. Like everything else about the net, we get to learn quicker, and at first hand, just what kind of world we are living in - it's good, bad & ugly. We know too that people can "hide" their true selves, if they wish. Take me for example: am I a 56-yr-old weird man, this week identifying himself as Icarus? Not really. In fact, I am an overlarge, incontinent and bossy lady of 93, named Elsbeth.....